Tao Li is a Pelagelidian terrestrial, caught in an all-enveloping ice age
Star Name: HD 74733 Type: G2V Luminosity: 1.18 x Sol Constellation: Vela Distance from Sol: 227 ly (Argelander Sector) Galactic XYZ: (LY)-25.49,-225.29,-11.02
Planet Name: Tao Li Nolwocs Type:PelaGelidian Subtype. Radius: 5763 km Semimajor Axis: 1.149 AU Orbital Period: 1.19 standard years Colonised: 2320 AT
Tao Li is a cold world in the depths of a long ice age. It has a low but significant level of volcanic activity which will eventually release enough CO2 into the atmosphere to melt the ice. Until that time the inhabitants, cold adapted clades such as House Ghauetti, are determined to preserve this planet's cool beauty.