Exotic Matter
In popular usage any highly unusual "unnatural" matter that is not composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. This includes such substances as quarkonium, magmatter, harmonium, pentaquarks and Q-balls.
Exotic energy which holds open wormholes and void bubbles is sometimes referred to as exotic mass/energy, but is more accurately described by the technical term negative stress-energy tensors.
Many of the methods by which these materials are produced and stabilized have been developed by transapients. In some cases modosophonts can reproduce those methods, and in other cases they cannot. Technology developed by transapients which can be used and replicated by modosophonts is given the label ultratech.
One of the most common forms of exotic matter that occurs in nature is so-called 'nuclear pasta', a form of structured neutronium that can only exist in neutron stars and is the basis for the xenosophont species known as Hildemar's Knots.

- Exotic Atoms - Text by Stephen Inniss
A term used for matter that is not composed of the usual protons, neutrons and electrons but that forms analogous structures. The constituent particles of monopolium/magmatter are an example. Some such "atoms" may be said to form "molecules" or analogues of metals or ionic compounds and may be used in the construction of such things as Banks Orbitals.
- Exotic Energy
- Magmatter
- Monopoles