(Emplix, Implix) — an extension of traditional sound-based music, incorporating multi-sensory inputs and memetic engineering.

During the early AT centuries, the ancient terragen concept of music — purely aural entertainment — evolved and progressed through a variety of distinct phases. Musical development was driven, as it had been during the cultural revolutions that led up to the birth of spaceflight, by many sub-cultural influences.

The development of memetic engineering saw the first change to the ancient musical paradigm, as musical tracks began incorporating both aural memetics, and then later on, associated visual components which also became heavily memed. The goal was to provoke a more intense or profound emotional response in the listener. It must be noted that one of the first widespread uses of memetics was to render the style of music known as Static or The Whites, extremely popular; one of the first publicly admitted uses of widespread memetic engineering was to later on render Static less popular by a competing commercial interest.

As many societies among the stars progressed, these memetic components became an integral part of musical development and entertainment, but another "singularity" for musical developments occurred as DNI-linked interfaces and sensory suites became more popular, in the latter centuries of terragen society. Now, musical performances incorporated memetic broadcasts on the digital interface level as well, producing an all-encompassing visual, auditory, and through digital interface, tactile, olfactory, taste, and datamind experience, always heavily memed with emotional overtones and undertones. Many musical performers developed empathic software, enabled through their interface systems, so that such emotional memes could be broadcast real-time from the performer to a live audience.

Memecomplex music was dubbed emplex by commercial AIs in the NoCoZo, almost 3000 years ago. The term has been corrupted in several other languages to emplix or implix, and the art has virtually superseded traditional musical expression; a few students of ancient arts in different polities maintain archives of ancient musical techniques.

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Development Notes
Text by Michael Jones
Initially published on 31 December 2006.

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