Important major mining and industrial base for a number of Vedokiklek hives.

None of the planets (Mercurian and Arean rockballs and several gas giants) have been terraformed, but the abundance of resources make this an ideal site for Vedokiklek construction efforts. Some of the outer orbitals around the eujovian Ratakhtona V constitute a primary industrial center where the massive coils for interstellar catapults are built.

Several large underground Vedokiklek hives support the mining and manufacturing effort. The intense concentration of Vedokiklek manufacturing in this system make it a good example of inter-hive cooperation. Although the concept of a "home world" is meaningless to such a decentralized and independent clade, Ratakhtona is the best approximation of an economic center to the species.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev from original by Kevin Self
Initially published on 22 December 2001.

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