Image from Vaktus
Valusaban is a 4th toposophic archailect, and current Overlord/embodied Mind of Kuranaba in the Sophic League.

Valusaban is the latest in a series of 4th toposophic Minds that have ruled Kuranaba since it was established as a member world of the Sophic League.

E is a dramatic figure, appears as an avatar in su-human form to guide eir devotees towards an optimum way of life. Although other archailects and even supernatural deities are worshipped in Kuranaba, worship of Valusaban is most widespread, and it it is said that eir favour will swiftly aid a devotee in ascending both the toposophic ladder and the transcendence of all toposophics, higher or lower, in nirvana.

With the opening of Kuranaba to the rest of the galaxy via the Free Sophic Kuranaba Gate, literalist devotees of Valusaban, the so-called Balany Valus, have been attempting to proselytize to the rest of the Terragen Bubble, with little success.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 12 December 2001.

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