PuYlong Ring

A quasi-living field of planetary ring material

PuYlong Ring
Image from Steve Bowers
The Carlsagantheyounger directs electron beams towards the ring in an attempt to communicate with this unusual structure, which apparently responds by emitting radiation in complex patterns.
Distance from Sol 6107 ly
Star JD 311-68165
Constellation Sagittarius
Location Beyond the Tunh Wormhole, 500 ly coreward of 9 Sgr

Discovered by the Edenese exploration vessel Carlsagentheyounger in 10170, the Ring is a 50 km wide collection of 2-3 cm diameter gallium silicide nodules trapped in the ring system of the Eujovian Type planet PuYlong II [Sagittarius Outer Volumes]. The fragments are held together by a weak electrostatic field, which appears to respond to external electrical stimulus in very complex ways.

Explanations range from it being a natural presophont life form, an interesting but non-sentient natural phenomenon, a forgotten ai experiment, or the creation of the Yikoh, who are known to have constructed vaguely similar structures.

Despite several centuries of occasional research, scientists today are still no closer to understanding the nature of the Ring.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
inspired by a concept by Kevin Self
Initially published on 19 December 2001.

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