Puppis Democracy, The

A non-aligned tweak empire that emerged during the Version War period, near the Sophic League.

A non-aligned tweak empire that emerged during the Version War period, near the Sophic League.

Puppis Democracy symbol
Image from Steve Bowers

Principal Star Pi Puppis, Ahadi
Type K3 Ib
Luminosity 19,200 x Sol
Distance from Sol 1101 ly

The Version War created chaos among the formerly linked worlds of the Wormhole Nexus; large areas were cut off and isolated for centuries or more.

Some still linked worlds in the vicinity of the garish red supergiant Pi Puppis had begun cooperating during the period of isolation. They began to extend their wormholes outwards, not caring much for which side the systems had had before the war. Around 7100 the emerging network set up its own mini-federation, the Puppis Democracy. Eventually it reconnected to the main wormhole nexus, but at that point few of the member worlds had any interest in returning to their old empires (if they still existed). Instead the Puppis Democracy remained, attracting several other non-aligned worlds (the only defection was the local members of Metasoft, who returned to the Version Tree). A few member worlds still have close ties to their parent empires (such as the Ale and Ke- Steel systems which belonged to the NoCoZo and the predominantly Sophic Wilde).

The NoCoZo has for a long time been making overtures to the Democracy to join it, but so far there has been little interest. The other main neighbour, the Adara Trade Treaty has been more cold.

Their symbol is a stylized star as seen by the compound eyes of the Ale tweaks.
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 19 December 2001.

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