Quadaa Atonement Centre
Small O'Neil orbital in the 07-71-01117-IN system near Zamzam, inhabited by a Umma order calling themselves the Friends of the Muwakkil.

The Friends, at this time at the height of their influence in the Shell, sought a return to the personal and systematic Islam they regarded as waning in the Stellar Umma. As part of their program they developed elaborate forms of atonement, arranged retreats and programmed advanced atonement virtuals. The Quadaa Centre was constructed to be far out of the way, a place where the most grievous sins could be properly atoned in near perfect solitude with Allah. The Centre orbits a dim M-class star, a small O'Neill-type habitat divided into a number of compartment environments and co-orbiting modules. It was, and is still, run by the AI Ummul Mu'mineen. E maintains extensive virtual environment, creating complex simulations for the visitors where they can fully explore their past actions, understand their nature and atone for them. There are also non-virtual habitats for other forms of atonement, ranging from mere solitude and prayer to more radical ordeals.

While the Friends declined, the reputation of the Centre grew. The skill and care Ummul Mu'mineen employed in helping its charges to cleanse themselves became well known in the Umma and Sophic League. In 6342 it accepted the first non-Islamic pilgrim, and Ummul expanded the practice to provide for atonement for all beings.

A large number of similar atonement centers have developed, but Quadaa Centre remains the most well-renowned. It does not accept a large number of pilgrims, and the system Ummul employs to decide who gets to atone at the Centre or not remains mysterious. At the Centre Ummul and many atonement designer beings create personalized atonement situations, carefully weaving together events, environments and tests to provide a maximally intense and pure cleansing process. It has been called the oldest and grandest spiritual artwork or craft studio in existence.
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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 19 December 2001.

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