Deneb Sector
Ship Docking
Image from Kevin Williams (copyright)
Sector of former Cygexba empire containing 518 star systems lying beyond the Aquila Rift; named for the sector's brightest star, the blue-white giant Deneb.

Deneb sector was reached by neumann probes during the early Empires period; but it was not until some centuries later that it was actually claimed by Cygexba interests. Even so, and despite local stargate control, neither the distributed hyperturing Lohengrin nor eir local administration was able to truly control the sector. During the Cygnus Wars both the Varadic and Arantan empires contended for ownership of the most resource rich systems, circumventing the wormhole nexus with relativistic battlefleets, and threatening to attack the stargates if either Cygexba or any of the Inner Sphere powers intervened.

It was only during the latter years of the Second Federation that major developments of the sector were undertaken, and it looked like business would pick up, but the Version War meant that Cygexba had to close their stargates, and a local recession set in.

Lohengrin's selling off of most of the Cygexba empire has revitalized the entire sector, with new industrial, research, and hedonistic worlds developing, a massive rise in stargate construction, and the establishment of trade routes and commercial ties linked to both the Inner Sphere and the Outer Volume polities. Not unexpectedly, Lohengrin's shareholders seem to be the ones gaining most from this, as the dismantling of the Cygexba empire was in no way related to the giving up of local economic interests - just the opposite in fact.

Although most of the boom times have now passed, Deneb sector remains an important locus of industry, finance, data processing, and biospheres. It is also home to some of the largest stargate plexii outside Dominion space. The sector currently encompasses at least three dozen major polities, assorted Dominion, MPA, and Zoeific systems, as well as number of non-aligned systems, client states, corporate worlds, and free zones.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 09 October 2001.

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