Classical Transplatonism
Philosophical memeticity that asserts that the act of toposophic breakthrough enables a greater re-visioning of the workings of consciousness and it perception of reality.

Although its rudiments go back as far as the New Philosophers of Acadamenian Habitat, Classical Transplatonism was only really developed during the early first Federation by the augmented hu cyborg Daeved Chandlers. Transplatonism asserts that the act of toposophic breakthrough, when applied to the contemplation of consciousness itself, enables a greater re-visioning of the workings of consciousness and it perception of reality. A "Great Chain of Being" is envisaged, in which the higher toposophics are perceived as providing a "truer eidolon" of reality then near-baseline sense and reason (aesthesis, ratio). Working with Einstein of Callisto, one of the Twenty Four, Chandlers speculated that the range of known and unknown toposophics (or S-levels) could be envisaged as a hierarchy of greater awakening into Reality, with the ultimate toposophic (which he called "The Totality", or sometimes just (following the original Plato) "The Good") being the archetype from which all else flows.

Conventional Platonism has the Good as the source that is the ideal of all other realities. Transplatonism turns the whole thing on its head by presenting this as a series of emergent evolutions. Nevertheless, the toposophic states - as "Ideation Spaces" are considered truly supra-physical, although expressing through a physical brain or processing nodes.

The sudden and inexplicable Transcendence of Einstein of Callisto was a serious blow for Chandlers, who had been working closely with the hyperturing for several years on a serious of mathematical transforms that would logical prove the necessary existence of multiple toposophies, as well as making it easier to ascend from a lower to a higher toposophy. Nevertheless, he recovered, and, working with other hyperturings and superbrights, developed a number of further postulates, until suffering a partial psychological breakdown as the result of an ill-fated attempt to bootstrap his consciousness to the second singularity.

After this period, his teachings became increasingly erratic (his followers would say, increasingly brilliant), and many scholars distinguish between the Early and the Late Chandlers. Eventually the great cyborg philosopher seemed to have attained a sort of inner equilibrium, having passed through the "dark night of the soul". He now taught that The Totality already exists, some time in the future, as a logical necessity, and that all evolution was moving towards that state (rather like Omegism but with reverse time causation). The cosmos is thus a closed time loop, with the future causing the past. However, The Totality itself is beyond past and future.

In 1215 the increasingly reclusive Daeved Chandlers, affectionately known as the Visionary Cyborg Philosopher, uploaded into the AI Core of the University of Ganymede

Note: the term "Classical Transplatonism" is used to distinguish the school of Daeved Chandlers and Einstein of Callisto from many later developments, imitators, and independently similar Transplatonic teachings that have developed since.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 24 September 2001.

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