
Abandoned Diamond Belt aioid colony

Image from Steve Bowers

Star: LTT 17897, GJ 3379
Distance from Sol: 17.5 ly
Type: M3.5 V
Mass: 0.2 x Sol
Luminosity: 0.00074 Sol
Constellation: Orion

LTT 17897 III is a carbonaceous planetoid orbiting the dim M4 star LTT 17897. An ahuman probe departed from the Solar System in 327 AT, towards this star. The vessel had arrived by 502 AT, when a massive program of nanofacturing commenced. Structures of unknown function were constructed, but these had been abandoned long before First Federation explorers reached this system five hundred years later.

It is believed that these structures were used to launch von Neumann probes outwards, but no other evidence of the builders have ever been found and no aioid clade claiming descent from Charybdis has been contacted. The defenses appear similar to those found on Duoden Torus.

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Development Notes
Text by Anders Sandberg
additional material by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 24 September 2001.

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