A type of giant terragen sauropod dinosaur - originally Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous periods of Old Earth. Average length 18 to 30 meters, average weight 15 to 50 tonnes. Distinguished by their long forelimbs, giraffe-like neck and back, and high dome-like nostrils.

Although a popular animal among lazurogenic entertainment corporations, authentic brachiosaurs were not reconstructed until the middle Federation period. There are currently several good breeding populations established on Owen, Duiris, and elsewhere.During the middle Empires period the hyperturing GEvidan provolved a brachiosaur colony without permission from the Jurassica Institute. There are still a number of sapient brachiosaurs to be found in some of the giant orbital habitats around Owen, and in some regions of the Disarchy and the MPA.
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Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 08 October 2001.

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