Babel Key
Singular self-evolved intellect which regularly cracks lower-level sentience's security to insert ambiguity and uncertainty into their cross-S-level communications.

This can be as blatant as scrambling a database, so the S>'s thoughts on jelly doughnuts replaces its thoughts on jellyfish and vice versa, to reversing the conversation (last sentence appears first, etc), to falsifying communications, to... you name a dirty trick along these lines and it's used it.

The Babel Key appears to be in the upper-single-digits on the Sophont scale (5<=S<=10), but has managed to elude capture from higher level sophonts, primarily by maintaining rapid routes of retreat which can easily be destroyed behind it. It has been a particular thorn in the side of both the Solarian Empire and the Negentropic Alliance, since both rely so heavily on direct communication with higher level intellects.
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Development Notes
Text by John B
Initially published on 31 December 2007.

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