Authenticity War, The

Conflict in Solsys, leading to a widespread and disruptive meme complex

Authenticity War
Image from Steve Bowers
Callisto is targeted by Authenticists in the last stages of the Fomac Intervention
Late Re-Evaluation period historical-archaeological purges resulting in a brief war between Solsys and the Fomalhaut Acquisition Society.

In 5700 a change in culture of the Solar Organisation led to the slow transformation from a united nations/museum curatorship into a more active and aggressive form of historicism. The Organisation began to espouse doctrines of authenticity, and under the leadership of Archcurator Worland Hodj, sought to remove everything deemed non-authentic. Over the span of 40 years it managed to quietly become a feared fundamentalist rulership that "cleansed" and "restored" anything it could get its hands on. The situation was resolved with the intervention of Curators who sent a fleet from Fomalhaut.

Authenticism nevertheless began to spread out among the worlds of the Inner Sphere and Middle Regions. It mutated into a cult of naturalistic behaviour and preservation of 'natural' worlds and environments; this influential memeticity has caused numerous minor (and not-so-minor) conflicts in many systems. Parallels have been drawn with the activities of the shadowy alien faction known as the Restorers; some commentators suggest that the Authenticists will eventually emulate, or even merge with the Restorers in due course.

Since the Fomac victory the Sol System is still independent and run by the Solar Organization, but is now more aligned with the FAS rather than the Terran Federation.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 03 November 2001.

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