Who Knows what Baseline Bob is thinking?
Image from Steve Bowers
A way of increasing demand by aggressively bringing the product to the attention of consumers.

Advertising may be liminal, subliminal, open, subversive, memetic, intelligent, ai, or any of a million other possible variants. Advertising is banned or strictly controlled in some polities and empires, selective in others, unregulated in others again, and any variation in-between. Always a good source of extra income, especially in the NoCoZo, the Terran Federation, and various Free Zones, advertising is often considered tacky and tasteless in the Solar Dominion, an unnecessary waste of orderliness in the Negentropic Alliance, demeaning to sentients in the Utopia Sphere, and too materialistic in the Sophic League.

Babel Neurotech advert
Image from Anders Sandberg
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 31 December 2001.
